Although widely known as Tongue Fish Patti Sole, This Arabian sea fish is not actually sole, but a Tonguefish. Most of the time exported from Pakistan, Tongue Fish – Patti Sole is also widely consumed in Punjab in frozen boneless fillet form.
Tongue sole is a fish of its environment and experts have concerns over increasing sea pollution. Since the Tongue sole lives and feeds at the bottom, Its exposed to metals and chemicals on the sea bed.
Flavor Profile
The flesh of Tongue sole is white and light in flavor, but still satisfying. It is very delicate so needs to be handled carefully.
- English Name: Tongue Sole
- Local Name: Patti Sole, Sole
- Scientific Name: Cynoglossus arel
Tongue Sole is a Sea fish that lives in muddy and sandy bottoms on the continental shelf to depths of about 125 m.
Catching MethodFlavor Profile
Tongue Sole is caught using bottom trawls & gillnets.
Physical Attributes
The tongue sole has scales on the body. Both eyes are on the left side with a small scaly interorbital space. The snout is obtusely pointed. The corner of the mouth reaches posteriorly beyond the lower eye about midway between the gill opening and tip of the snout.
The Eyed side is uniformly brown, with a dark patch on gill cover. The blind side of Tongue sole is white.
On average, the Tongue Sole size range is 100 to 300 grams per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.
Cutting Preferences
Tongue Sole is preferred to be cut as boneless fillets only.
Approx. Cutting Yields
Whole: 100%
Gutted: 80%
Headless and Gutted: 60%
Slices: 50%
Boneless: 35%
Cooking Preferences
The flesh of this fish is quite delicate, but with a light dusting of rice flour fillets can be pan fried successfully.
Health Benefits
- Heart friendly
- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Improves Immune System
- Strengthens the bones
- Improves Skin and Hair health
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